Proven Video

Here's Proof! Just Click on the Play Button on the Video Below to See How I Geared up my Character, Have the $1,000,000 Villa (THREE OF THEM), Maxed Out my Farmville Cash, Earned Every Ribbon Plus Tons of Seeders, Harvesters and Tractors and STILL had Over $1,206,223 Cash Left... and How You Can Too!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Farmville Vehicle Fuel Is Running Low? It's Time To The Ongoing Search for Farmville Fuel

farmville fuel, farmville, farm ville, facebook farmville, farmville fuel, farmville hints, farmville tips, fuelHave you ever wondered if what you know about farmville fuel is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on farmville fuel. How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

Fuel is a much sought after Farmville commodity, as it gives you the opportunity to plant and harvest crops more easily and efficiently. In the past, players who owned plows, seeders or harvesters could only purchase fuel with farm cash. Fuel tanks
, however, renewed quickly. Recently, fuel became much slower to renew. How fast your fuel replenishes is dependent upon the amount of plotted land you have. Although tanks refill slower, it is now possible to find fuel during game play.

So where can you get extra fuel for your machines? Well it doesn’t grow on trees, but pretty close. You can find fuel on your very own farm. While plowing your fields each day, you may stumble across some for yourself and the opportunity to post to your profile so others can collect some as well. Be sure to check your own news feed to see which friends have found fuel to share. Some friends may filter what goes to news feeds, so you may actually need to visit their profile. You should look often, as extra fuel postings expire in twenty-four hours.

You can also accumulate fuel by visiting your neighbors and fertilizing their plowed fields and crops. It is random as to when it will occur, so you may need to visit a few friends before you find gas. You will only get gas once per day from this method. By fertilizing your friends’ crops daily you can easily gain enough surplus fuel to harvest quite a few rows.

Mystery boxes are also a great way to collect gas refills for your farm. What is inside can be anything from an unusual animal, to a tree or even a tank of fuel. That is why if you are not sure what gift to send, you can’t go wrong with a mystery gift. And when neighbors return the favor, you can usually find at least one box bearing fuel a couple times a week.

Holiday gifting is another great way to fill your gas tanks. At Christmas time, players with overflowing trees were able to score some large amounts of fuel when they opened their presents on Christmas Eve. Further holidays such as Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day have offered gifts redeemable for other items rather than gifts that can be opened. This has reduced the odds of finding fuel during a holiday. There is, however, still one way to do so. When your neighbors click on their holiday collection basket , they have the option to ask you for additional holiday gift items. When they send the request, you will have a row of souvenirs to choose from as a token for helping your friend in need. A partial tank of fuel is among those options.

As in the past, you can purchase fuel from the Farmville Market. Fuel comes in five different sizes: one, ten, twenty, thirty or fifty fuel refills. Each refill size costs from 3 farm cash to 65 farm cash. You can obtain farm cash either by leveling up or buying it with real cash. This is the easiest way to get fuel, but obviously the most expensive.

If fuel is not an important part of your every day farming, you can chose to save it up for those times when you really need it. It is nice to have when you are short on time and need to harvest your tomatoes before you head to work. However or wherever you find fuel, it is certain to be a great farm helper.

Now that wasn't hard at all, was it? And you've earned a wealth of knowledge, just from taking some time to study an expert's word on farmville fuel.

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