Proven Video

Here's Proof! Just Click on the Play Button on the Video Below to See How I Geared up my Character, Have the $1,000,000 Villa (THREE OF THEM), Maxed Out my Farmville Cash, Earned Every Ribbon Plus Tons of Seeders, Harvesters and Tractors and STILL had Over $1,206,223 Cash Left... and How You Can Too!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Great Ways to Make Your Farm Unique Forever

The Great Ways to Make Your Fam Unique ForeverHave you ever wondered if what you know about how to make your farmville unique is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on how to make your farmville unique. The more authentic information about how to make your farmville unique you know, the more likely people are to consider you a how to make your farmville unique expert. Read on for even more how to make your farmville unique facts that you can share.

Most of the more extreme designs you see on the loading page are an optical illusion. There are four primary tools you can use to create these illusions: hay bales, trees, fences and the plow tool. If you have the smallest farm size available, you will need to upgrade to the biggest piece of land your coins and farm cash can afford. You will also need time and patience to place the large number of decorations required to create the look you desire.

Hay bales and fences, a cheap choice, come in a variety of colors and can be used many ways. For example, did you know you could use gray, black and white hay bales to create a road? Deep blue bales create the appearance of water such as a lake or waterfall. In order to create a special look with hay bales and fences you must place them at the correct angle and spacing from one another. For a stacked look, you need them to be just far enough apart that instead of looking like there is a gap between them it actually looks like the bottom is touching the top or middle of the other.

If you desire a farm with rolling hills, get out your plow. You should stagger your plots of plowed earth in two piece sections to make machine use easy and to create a wavy look to your land. You also need to stagger your trees along the same line to further illustrate the illusion. Trees are especially great for hiding the fuzzy edges of your optical illusion. You can even place them around your faux hay bale lake.

If you are not interested in rolling hills, waterfalls, or stacked fences, there are also many other great ways to make your farm distinctive. Check out the free gift page and the market to see what items catch your eye and consider what you can use them for. A bunch of gifted small hills make a lovely grassy area with flowers. You can also use stone mailboxes to make a stone fence. Green hedges are great for farm mazes. If the item you wish to use is only available on the free gift page, send it to your friends and ask them to send it back to you. Also, be sure to add it to your wish list in your gift box.

Crops are another great way to make your farm unique. There is, however, quite a bit of planning involved in this. You must devise a design and decide what crops will give you your colors. You will also need to determine how to make the timing of the various colored crops line up to create your design without having part of it wither while another part grows. Although crop designs can take more time, the visual effect is worth the effort.

The most important key to creating a unique farm is to experiment. Don't be afraid to try new things. After all, that is what the delete tool is for. For additional or cutting edge farm decoration ideas, the FarmVille forums are full of people sharing their designs and how-tos.

If you're having trouble getting into the swing of things in FarmVille and want to Build the Ultimate Farm in Record Time you may need to read the FarmVille Secrets Book visit: Farmville Secrets | Farmville Strategy | Farmville and Master Every Level With the FarmVille Secrets Guide.

That's how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What Benefits of Your Farmville Comment Box?

What Benefits of Your Farmville Comment Box?The following article presents the very latest information on Farmville Comment Box. If you have a particular interest in Farmville Comment Box, then this informative article is required reading. Truthfully, the only difference between you and Farmville Comment Box experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to Farmville Comment Box.

In the month of March, Farmville added a new feature to help neighbors stay in contact with one another: a comment box. Before the comment box arrived the only way you could use your farm to communicate with other members was to post a sign post. Sign posts are still available, but farm communication has moved out of the dark ages and into the twenty-first century.

Your comment box is located on the upper right corner of your Farmville screen. When you click on it you will see two tabs. One is for comments and one is for visits. Your comments tab will display any messages you have posted and any that have been posted for you. The visits tab tells you which neighbors have completed various tasks on your farm.

To post a message, type your note into the box above the comments and visits tab. This box will allow you to either post the message to your comment box or as a sign post on your farm. When you visit a neighbor’s farm you can post a comment to their comment box, a sign post or you can even check a box to have your comment appear on their Facebook Profile.

There are several benefits to this new feature. You can easily know who has been to your farm to fertilize or feed your chickens, or who has sent you a gift. You may already know who sent you a gift by your gift acceptance page, but it is easy to forget once you click that gift and accept it. When you arrive on your farm, you may even see who visited in the form of a pop-up telling you Sara fed your chickens. If, however, you have had several visitors in your absence, it may only state that Sara and five others have fed your chickens. Seeing it in detail in your comment box will allow you to return the favor. This helps you to be the kind of neighbor a good Farmville player desires.

The comment box is a fun way to communicate with your closest neighbors. You can comment on an interesting design, leave them a message regarding a co-op mission, ask for specific gifts, or request help fertilizing your farm. Since the comment box also gives you the option to post a message to a friend’s profile, you can discuss real life matters as well. By being able to post your comment directly to a friend’s page, you can save time.

If your personal life gets busy and your farm life takes a back burner, you can use your comment box to catch up on what has happened while you were gone. You can also use it to ensure that you reward those neighbors who have been good to you. If you have upwards of twenty five neighbors, the task of visiting them all daily to fertilize their crops and feed their chickens can feel a bit overwhelming. Knowing who has helped you, can be an enticement to focus on those neighbors until you have more time to make the full rounds. On the other hand if you are able to visit all of your neighbors often, your visit notation in their comment box can remind them to fertilize your crops or send you a thank you gift. Your comment box, used to its fullest potential, is guaranteed to enhance your game play.

There's a lot to understand about Farmville Comment Box. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lost in FarmVille?

Lost in FarmVille?The best course of action to take sometimes isn't clear until you've listed and considered your alternatives. The following paragraphs should help clue you in to what the experts think is significant. See how much you can learn about Lost in FarmVille when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

If you're having trouble getting a hang of the way of things in FarmVille, you're not alone. I know of quite a few people who got into the game expecting it to be easy as pie and were quickly frustrated. In fact, I was one of them. So I went looking for a guide to help me master the farming life.

I actually tried quite a few of these guides, but not many of them had much helpful information to give. They were either designed for people who'd gotten all the way to the upper levels already, or they were severely outdated because of additions made to the game since they were released. FarmVille is a relatively new game and is still in the Beta stage, so a lot of improvements have been made to it in a short time and many of the guides on the market have not been updated to account for these changes.

So I finally broke down and bought FarmVille Secrets. This guide has been released pretty recently, so it's up to date on all of the latest advances in the game. I found it to be immensely helpful to me, and I was quickly raking in the coins and moving up in levels like you wouldn't believe.

In addition to the helpful tips, FarmVille Secrets also includes some handy charts and other resources that help you to compare items available in the Market and also helps you to plan out your spending and improvement strategies. I think you'll be as pleasantly surprised as I was when you read this guide and put the tips in it to use on your farm. I started to see results overnight almost. It's definitely a guide worth checking out if you're having trouble getting the hang of FarmVille, or if you just want to give your game an extra boost. Either way, you'll be happy you tried it.

That's how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.

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Is Buying a FarmVille Guide Worth It?

Is Buying a FarmVille Guide Worth ItThe only way to keep up with the latest about FarmVille Guide is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about FarmVille Guide, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority. Those of you not familiar with the latest on FarmVille Guide now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

I have to admit, I was pretty skeptical when I first started seeing FarmVille guides popping up. I mean, I'd never really played the game, but from the name I assumed there couldn't be all that much to it. After all, how much strategy could possibly go into building a virtual farm? But once I started seeing these guides, I figured it'd be worth taking a shot at the game to see what all the hubbub could possibly be about.

And I was actually rather surprised. Building my own virtual farm was much more enjoyable than I'd imagined it would be. Part of that was because there really were a lot of options and a lot of decisions to make. The more I played the game, the more I realized that there probably could be a lot of helpful information in a guide because there were just too many ways you could play.

I was doing alright on my own, but I was getting more and more curious about what I might be missing out on. After I reached level 13 and was having a hard time getting farther, I decided to give one of the guides a shot. I bought FarmVille Secrets, a relatively new guide and pretty up to date on the latest additions to the game. I really wasn't expecting too much, but this guide just blew me away.

In no time, I was the Cream of the Crop, a level 24 farmer with a Big Family Farm and tons of neighbors to visit. Using the tips in this guide helped me way more than I thought they would – even when I read them. There's a lot more to this farming stuff than meets the eye. I'd recommend picking up a copy of FarmVille Secrets if you're interested in getting the most out of your FarmVille experience.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

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Did You Really Need a Guide For FarmVille?

Do You Really Need a Guide For FarmVilleHave you ever wondered what exactly is up with Guide For FarmVille? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about Guide For FarmVille. If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

I consider myself to be relatively well educated in the latest generation of social networking site games like Mafia Wars, Vampire Wars, and such. That's why when I started to see these FarmVille guides popping up all over the place I was kind of surprised. I mean, I can see why people might need some tips to get going in games like Mafia Wars, but FarmVille?

At this point though I hadn't actually played the game, but I didn't really think it could be all that complicated. I figured I should give it a shot though, just so that I could say I knew what I was talking about. And I was in for a rather big surprise. In no time, I was out of money and had no crops to plant. I have to admit, there way more to this game than I had anticipated.

I eventually managed to dig myself out of my original hole and out of the red, but I still wasn't making all that much progress. I started to think that maybe I needed to see what these guides were all about. I wasn't really expecting much, but since I hadn't done so well on my own either, I figured it was worth a shot.

So I picked up a guide called FarmVille secrets, and was pleasantly surprised by the tips I found in it. You wouldn't think there were so many ways you could screw up a virtual farm, but believe me, you can. I was still stumbling along at level 6 when I got the guide after 2 weeks of playing regularly. Now I'm the proud owner of a plantation and a level 26 Sultan of Soil. And I still look back at my guide from time to time. If you're having trouble getting into the swing of things in FarmVille, this guide is not a bad investment.

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning process should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with others.

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Do You Really Need a Guide For FarmVille